(Closed) Visiting Lecturer in Asian American Studies, Spring 2017

The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies of the Claremont Colleges invites applications for several visiting lecturer positions for spring semester 2017 to teach up to three courses. We are open to various courses, but especially welcome candidates who can teach “Asian American Women’s Experiences” and those who can offer Asian American literature and/or special topics courses which complement our curriculum, especially courses on Muslim, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, mixed race, mixed ethnicity Asian Americans, and performance arts. PhDs or terminal degree preferred, ABDs will be considered, all preferably with at least one year of teaching experience.

Please submit in one PDF document a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, proposed course syllabi, course evaluations (and any evidence of teaching experiences) and two letters of reference to Hung Cam Thai, Chair of the Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies. For further information, please contact hung.thai@pomona.edu.

The Claremont  Colleges (Claremont  McKenna,  Harvey  Mudd,  Pitzer,  Pomona, and Scripps) are  liberal  arts  colleges  located  35 miles  east  of  downtown Los  Angeles.  We  value  diversity,  and actively  encourage  applications  from women  and members  of  historically  underrepresented  groups.

Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Interim Community Engagement Coordinator

The Intercollegiate Department for Asian American Studies (IDAAS) seeks an Interim Community Engagement Coordinator (CEC) to act as a liaison between IDAAS and community partner sites, and assists IDAAS with their community-based internships, research and partner development. As a liaison to partner sites, the CEC utilizes his/her experience in community work to guide the ethical practices of community-based education among students, faculty, and staff.

This position solicits prospective community partners, maintains relationships with existing community partners, coordinates and assists Department Chair with public events, including graduation, award ceremonies, and departmental events and receptions, coordinates an effective program for recognition, involvement, and stewardship of community partners and student internships; creates and maintains a web-data base regarding Asian American community organizations near the colleges and provide resources for jobs, fellowships, internships in Asian -American communities, public services, and social justice organizing.  This position will also locate and write small grants to support community-based learning initiatives by coordinating programming on campus with community-based partners while managing student interns and distributing an e-newsletter that includes compiling and updating the email list of interested students, faculty, and staff.  The Community Engagement Coordinator reports to the IDAAS Academic Coordinator.

This is a one-year, part-time interim position.

For more details and to apply for this position, please check out this link.

(Closed) Job: Part-time visiting lecturer in Asian American Studies at the Claremont Colleges, Spring 2016

Thank you for your interest. The positions have been filled.
The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies at the Claremont Colleges invites applications for part-time, visiting lecturer positions to teach one or two courses in Asian American Studies during the Spring 2016 semester. We welcome applicants who can offer Asian American History, Social Science, and/or special topics courses which complement our curriculum, especially courses on Muslim, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, mixed race, or mixed ethnicity Asian Americans. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or be ABD, and have some teaching experience.

The Claremont  Colleges  (Claremont  McKenna,  Harvey  Mudd,  Pitzer,  Pomona, and Scripps)  are  liberal  arts  colleges  located  35 miles  east  of  downtown Los  Angeles.  We  value  diversity,  and actively  encourage  applications  from women  and members  of  historically  underrepresented  groups.

Please submit in PDF form a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, proposed course syllabus, course evaluations, and three references via email to Prof. Hung Cam Thai, Chair, at hung.thai@pomona.edu.

Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

News on Promotions and Tenure

Congratulations to the following members of our core faculty on their promotions, effective July 2015:

  • Professor Wei-Chin Hwang (CMC) has been promoted to full professor.
  • Professor Warren Liu (Scripps) has been promoted to associate professor with tenure.
  • Professor Tamara Venit-Shelton (CMC) has been promoted to associate professor with tenure.

Press releases to follow.

Professor Thai Named to “40 Under 40: Professors Who Inspire” List

Congratulations to Professor Hung Cam Thai who was named to the “40 Under 40: Professors Who Inspire” list.

“Thai is known for “guiding” his students, rather than lecturing them. One student at the college in Claremont, California, says it would be difficult to find another professor as dedicated to mentorship or more passionate about sociology than Thai. Another student describes working with Thai in Vietnam to document the lives of Western expatriates: “The opportunity to experience all parts of the creation of sociological knowledge — from target group selection to data acquisition to data analysis — sparked the interest that has led me to pursue sociology in my graduate studies.” – See the complete list.

Professors Miyake and Kassam: 2015 Wig Distinguished Professor Awards for Excellence in Teaching

Pomona College Professors Lynne Miyake (IDAAS core faculty) and Zayn Kassam (IDAAS affiliated faculty) have received the 2015 Wig Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award is the highest honor bestowed on Pomona faculty, recognizing exceptional teaching, concern for students and service to the College and community.

The recipients are elected by the junior and senior classes and then confirmed by a committee of trustees, faculty and students.

Lynne Miyake, professor of Japanese, teaches elementary, intermediate and advanced Japanese; Graphically Speaking: Japanese Manga and its Buds; Japanese/Japanese American Women Writers; and Japanese and Japanese American Autobiography.

Student comment: “Encyclopedic knowledge of her favorite subjects (e.g. manga and anime), willingness to approach it from a variety of angles and take student feedback into account on that front. Miyake sensei constantly brings an incredible energy to all of the classes she teaches. I appreciate how she constantly pushes you to do better and continue learning despite the Japanese language’s difficulty curve.”

Zayn Kassam, the John Knox McLean Professor of Religious Studies, teaches Engendering and Experience: Women in Islamic Traditions; Islamic Thought; Sufism; The Divine Body: Religion and the Environment; and The Religion of Islam. This is her third Wig Award, previously received in 1998 and 2005.

Student comment: “Prof. Kassam is eloquent, caring, and brilliant. She can turn a small moment into a resonating statement about tolerance. By teaching us how to investigate Islam by learning its history and spiritual legacy, she flipped the culturally deterministic script that dominates popular discussion of the religion in a highly necessary way.”

WEB LINK: http://www.pomona.edu/news/2015/05/18-wig-awards-2015.aspx.

Congratulations Professor Miyake and Professor Kassam!

2015 Paid Summer Internship Program Opportunity in Los Angeles

Leadership in Action (LIA) is an eight-week paid summer internship program designed to develop emerging young leaders by providing college students with practical leadership skills and the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community in Southern California.

Leadership in Action interns are placed in selected community-based organizations in Southern California, where they are expected to work 4 full days per week under an assigned staff supervisor.  Work assignments differ according to each organization’s programs and needs.

Each week, one day will be devoted to leadership development training or issue discussions and group project work.  Nationally recognized trainers will deliver workshops in critical skill areas.  Issue discussions are on local or timely topics of interest and are facilitated by local community leaders/activists and LEAP trainers.


The eight-week program runs from June 15 through August 7, 2015.  Interns will receive compensation in the amount of $2,500 for successful completion of the program and are responsible for their own housing, transportation, and insurance.


College students or recent graduates with…

• Prior experience in API communities
• A passion for learning and growing leadership skills
• An interest in gaining work experience in an API community-based nonprofit organization


1. Complete the Leadership in Action application, either online or by mailing it in.
2. Submit the following documents:
– Two letters of recommendation
– Current resume
– Official transcript
– One Page Personal Statement.


All application materials must be received by Monday, March 9, 2015.


Mayta Lor
Development Associate
Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP)
Office:  213.485.1422 x4105
Work Mobile:  213.281.0255
Email:  mlor@leap.org