Spring 2020 courses are now online.
Author Archives: idaas
Fall 2019 Courses
Fall 2019 courses are now online.
IDAAS Signature Events, April 2019: Turning and Returning Carceral Landscapes: Buried Histories, Incarceration Allies, Manzanar Pilgrimages
You are invited to our 2018-2019 IDAAS Signature Events happening this April 2019.
Title: Turning and Returning Carceral Landscapes: Buried Histories, Incarceration Allies, Manzanar Pilgrimages
April 27, 2019 marks the 50th Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage which will observe two anniversaries: the signing of Executive Order 9066 in 1942 by Franklin D. Roosevelt that unlawfully incarcerated thousands of Japanese American citizens during WW II and the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Manzanar National Historic Site in 1991 that reclaimed the truth of this shameful episode in American history. We mount a series of five events to interrogate this unjust incarceration, to reflect on its ongoing effects, but, most importantly, to learn from the past and arm ourselves with strategies to combat on-going efforts to incarcerate all peoples now and in the future.
- “Reclaiming Manzanar: Illegal Detention, Incarceration, and Contested Returns” Exhibition
April 1-May 30, 2019, North Lobby, The Claremont Colleges Library - “Community Storytelling Workshop”
April 4, 2019, 4:15 pm, Founders Room, The Claremont Colleges Library
To RSVP: https://www.pomona.edu/events/manzanar-series-community-storytelling-workshop. - “Fostering Incarceration Allies Workshop”
April 12, 2019, 4:00-6:30 pm., Smith Campus Center 208, Pomona College
To RSVP: https://www.pomona.edu/events/manzanar-series-fostering-incarceration-allies-workshop. - Monica Embrey, PO ’09, “‘No Dust Storms Can Sweep Them Away’: Sue Kunitomi Embrey, the Manzanar Concentration Camp, and the Demand for Social Justice”
April 18, 2019, 4:15-5:30 pm, Founders Room, The Claremont Colleges Library. Accompanied by an exhibit showcasing Manzanar Committee Co-founder Sue Kunitomi Embrey’s papers, Asian Studies Collection, The Claremont Colleges Library, April 1-May 30, 2019 - “Join Us for the 50th Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage”
Saturday, April 27, 2019. Space is limited.
To RSVP: https://www.pomona.edu/events/manzanar-series-50th-annual-manzanar-pilgrimage. For more information, email idaas@pomona.edu.
Sponsors: The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies (IDAAS); The Claremont Colleges Library; the Dean of Faculty, Joseph Horsfall Johnson Public Event Fund, the Asian Studies Program, the Pacific Basin Institute (PBI), the Draper Center, the Asian American Resource Center (AARC), and the Departments of Environmental Analysis and History at Pomona College; the Center for Asian Pacific American Students (CAPAS) at Pitzer College; and EnviroLab Asia.
More details can be found at https://www.pomona.edu/manzanar-series.
Visiting Lecturer in Asian American Studies, Fall 2019
The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies at the Claremont Colleges.CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA 91711
The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies of the Claremont Colleges invites applications for a visiting lecturer position for fall semester 2019 to teach up to two courses. We are open to various courses; we welcome candidates who can teach special topics courses which complement our curriculum, especially courses on Muslim, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, mixed race, mixed ethnicity Asian Americans, and performance arts. PhDs or terminal degree preferred, ABDs will be considered, all preferably with at least one year of teaching experience.
Please submit in one PDF document a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, proposed course syllabi, course evaluations (and any evidence of teaching experiences) and two letters of reference to Hung Cam Thai, Chair of the Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies. For further information, please contact hung.thai@pomona.edu.
The Claremont Colleges (Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, Pomona, and Scripps) are liberal arts colleges located 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. We value diversity, and actively encourage applications from women and members of historically underrepresented groups.
Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Spring 2019 Courses
Spring 2019 courses are online.
Fall 2018 Courses
The courses for fall 2018 have been posted.
(Filled) Job: Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies
The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies at the Claremont Colleges and the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts at Harvey Mudd College invite applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Asian American studies, to begin July 1, 2018. We are seeking a scholar who approaches history from an interdisciplinary perspective and who has research and teaching expertise in South Asian, Muslim, Southeast Asian, or Pacific Islander communities. The successful candidate should, by the beginning of Fall 2018, hold a Ph.D. in ethnic studies, history, American Studies, or related fields. The teaching load for this position is five courses annually, including courses in the candidate’s field of expertise as well as two required departmental courses: a survey course on Asian American history and one course in the core curriculum at Harvey Mudd College. The candidate will be expected to work collaboratively in an intercollegiate and interdisciplinary setting. We especially encourage candidates whose work takes place within frameworks of transnationalism and globalization.
Please submit all materials no later than December 18th, 2017, including letter of application, curriculum vitae, teaching evaluations, statement of teaching philosophy, statement of research, one writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. These documents should be uploaded to Academic Jobs Online. Please contact Hung Cam Thai, Chair of the Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies for further information at hung.thai@pomona.edu.
The Claremont Colleges (Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, Pomona, and Scripps) are liberal arts colleges located 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. We are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employers. Qualified applicants will be given consideration for employment without regard to age, race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, protected veteran’s status, disability, or any other characteristics protected by applicable law.
Fall 2017 Courses
The courses for Fall 2017 have been posted.
(Closed) Job: Two-year Visiting Assistant Professor for the Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies at the Claremont Colleges (Hosted by Pitzer College)
The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies of the Claremont Colleges invites applications for a two-year visiting assistant professorship, beginning July 1, 2017. We seek a teacher-scholar whose teaching and research can foster critical thinking across disciplinary boundaries and whose areas of specialization contribute to our concentrations. This visiting position will be expected to teach six courses during each year: one core course on Research Methods in Asian American Studies (once during the two years) and one elective on Asian American Women’s Experiences (once each year). The remaining four courses can be in the candidate’s areas of specialization. We especially welcome candidates who can offer special topics courses which complement our curriculum, especially courses on Muslim, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, South Asian, mixed race, mixed ethnicity Asian Americans, and performance arts. PhDs or terminal degree preferred, ABDs will be considered, all preferably with at least one year of teaching experience.
Please submit in one PDF document a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, proposed course syllabi, course evaluations (and any evidence of teaching experiences) and three letters of reference to Hung Cam Thai, Chair of the Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies. For further information, please contact hung.thai@pomona.edu.
The Claremont Colleges (Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, Pomona, and Scripps) are liberal arts colleges located 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. We value diversity, and actively encourage applications from women and members of historically underrepresented groups.
Although this search is being hired by the Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies at the Claremont Colleges, the position will be hosted by Pitzer College. Pitzer has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive educational objectives, which promote interdisciplinary perspectives, intercultural understanding, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. Pitzer College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. For the successful applicant with the relevant interests, affiliations are possible with the intercollegiate departments of Africana Studies, Chican@/Latin@ Studies, and/or the Intercollegiate Feminist Center for Teaching, Research, and Engagement.
Review of applications will begin immediately. Deadline to apply is March 14, 2017.
Spring 2017 Courses
The courses for Spring 2017 have been posted.