Margo Okazawa-Rey (MOR) Fellowship is now open

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

Asian American Studies has a tradition of community engagement and working towards a more just society. As such, IDAAS established the Margo Okazawa-Rey Summer Fellowship. This Fellowship is designed to encourage outstanding college students to implement community-based, creative, or research projects that integrate social justice, multi-racial solidarity, and feminism.

The Fellowship is intended to enable individuals to undertake a community-based, creative, or research project in any context, although work pursued in Asian and Pacific Islander communities will be prioritized. The project may involve working with an existing organization or activist group or may involve initiating a new effort beside a marginalized community. Projects may focus on any social issue such as reproductive health, AIDS education, sex-trafficking, peace education, and affordable housing. Students are strongly encouraged to conceptualize their projects in ways that make the connections between domestic issues and international/transnational events, trends, and forces.

For more information, email Jessica J. Chairez.