Student Liaisons

Student Liaisons serve an invaluable organizing and communications role in IDAAS. Among their responsibilities are to:

1. Attend department meetings;
2. Participate on department subcommittees;
3. Facilitate communication between faculty and students. This can range from representing student viewpoints at department meetings to bringing to the chair’s attention student concerns about faculty and other matters when the student wishes to remain anonymous.
4. Build community in the department (e.g., organize social events)

Typically, we will have one rep from each college and a mix of sophomores and juniors. This helps to ensure continuity and availability given study abroad leaves. Interested students will submit an application to be considered, and from these applications the faculty and staff determine a slate which is then voted on by the majors and minors.

Here are the 2023-2024 student liaisons:

  • Claremont McKenna: Crystal Widado
  • Harvey Mudd:
  • Pitzer: Kenny Le
  • Pomona: Muriel Alejandrino and Andrea Zheng
  • Scripps:

If you would like to be a student liaison, please email us at